Descendants of Cosimo I de Medici

Descendants in three generations

Cosimo I de ' Medici

Grand duke of Tuscany
See Ancestors
Children Grand Children Great-Grand Children
Francesco I de' Medici

Grand duke of Tuscany
See Descendants
Marie de' Medici

Queen of France
See Descendants
Henrietta Maria of France

Princess of France
Queen Consort of England,
Scotland and Ireland

See Descendants
Louis XIII of France

King of France
Élisabeth of France

Queen of Spain
Christine Marie of France

Regent of Savoy
Gaston Jean Baptiste of France

Duke of Orléans
Anna de' Medici

b.1537 d.1542
End of Line
Eleonora de' Medici

Duchess of Mantua
Francesco IV Gonzaga

Ferdinando I Gonzaga
Duke of Mantua
Vincenzo II Gonzaga

Ferdinando I de' Medici

Grand duke of Tuscany
See Descendants
Cosimo II de' Medici

Grand duke of Tuscany
See Descendants
Ferdinando II de' Medici

Grand duke of Tuscany
See Descendants
Maria Cristina
(August 24, 1609 - August 9, 1632)
(July 24, 1611 - January 23, 1663),
(May 31, 1612 - February 6, 1679)
(April 9, 1613 - October 14, 1667)
(October 16, 1614 - July 25, 1634)
(July 21, 1616 - September 11, 1676)
(November 6, 1617 - November 10, 1675),
Isabella de' Medici

See Descendants

Virgino Orsini Ferdinando Orsini,
Alessandro di Virginio Orsini,
Paolo Giordano II Orsini,
Francesco Orsini,
Bia de' Medici

b.1537 d.1542
End of Line
Maria di Cosimo I de' Medici

b.1540 d.1557
End of Line
Giovanni di Cosimo I de' Medici,
b.1543 d.1562
End of Line
Lucrezia di Cosimo de Medici

End of Line
Garzia di Cosimo I de' Medici,
b.1547 July 5 d.1562 December 12
Pietro di Cosimo I de' Medici,
b.1554 June 3 d.1604 April 25
Giovanni di Cosimo I de' Medici,
b.1567 May 13 d.1621 July 19
Gianfrancesco Maria di Giovanni de' Medici NN
Virginia de' Medici,

b.1568 May 28 d.1615 January 15
Alfonso III d' (fra Giambattista da Modena) Margherita d' Este-Gonzaga di Guastalla,
d.1692 November 12
Anna Beatrice d' Este-Pico della Mirandola,
d.1690 September 25
Cesare di Alfonso III d' Este,
b.1609 d.1613
Francesco I d' Este,
b.1610 September 6 d.1658 October 14
Obizzo di Alfonso III d' Este,
b.1612 d.1645
Caterina di Alfonso III d' Este,
b.1613 d.1628 January 26
Cesare di Alfonso III d' Este,
b.1614 d.1677
Rinaldo di Alfonso III d' Este, (Cardinale)
b.1618 d.1672 September 30
Filiberto di Alfonso III d' Este,
b.1623 d.1645